The MScSUS at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center
The researcher at the ESCI-UPF’s UNESCO Chair and professor Ilija Sazdovski summarises the visit at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center with the students of the MScSUS.
The researcher at the ESCI-UPF’s UNESCO Chair and professor Ilija Sazdovski summarises the visit at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center with the students of the MScSUS.
Last month, Dr Stephen Minas, professor at Peking University, gave an online conference on climate change for the students of the Master of Science in Sustainability Management that the UPF-BSM offers jointly with ESCI-UPF.
The researcher at the ESCI-UPF’s UNESCO Chair and professor Ilija Sazdovski sums up the visit the students of the Master of Science in Sustainability Management did at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center to understand how climate modelling and predictions are made. This master’s degree is jointly offered by ESCI-UPF and UPF-BSM.
Jessica Sánchez García, alumni del Master of Science in Sustainability Management, que ofrece ESCI-UPF junto con la UPF-BSM, ha obtenido el segundo premio de Bienestar Planetario 2023 con su TFM sobre comunicación del cambio climático.
In October, the professor of Peking University, Dr Stephen Minas, offered an online conference for the students of the Master of Science in Sustainability Management that the UPF-BSM offers jointly with ESCI-UPF. It was a great opportunity for them to better understand the role played by events like the COP on the climate change political and legal context.
On February 27th, the students of the Master of Science in Sustainability Management, jointly offered by ESCI-UPF and BSM-UPF, visited the Integrated Valorisation Plant located in Sant Adrià de Besòs to better understand the waste management treatment processes in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.
Pablo Sánchez és professor de Negocis Inclusius al GNMI i cofundador i director executiu de B Lab Spain, l'organització que representa B Corp a Espanya.
Sustainability Week at the UPF Barcelona School of Management, framed within the activity plan of the Master of Science in Sustainability Management, was not just any week. Between 13 and 17 February, the students on this program, carried out jointly with ESCI-UPF, left the classrooms and changed their usual classes for daily visits and talks related to sustainability from different viewpoints.
Last 8th of February, the students of the first edition of the Master of Science in Sustainability Management that ESCI-UPF offers jointly with UPF BSM presented their Master Thesis topic proposals and plan of work in a plenary with the Academic Committee and Faculty members of the program.