COP29: Achievements and Challenges
Sahar Azarkamand, the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change at ESCI-UPF researcher, shares the foremost agreements reached at the Conference of the Parties (COP) held in Azerbaijan last week.
Sahar Azarkamand, the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change at ESCI-UPF researcher, shares the foremost agreements reached at the Conference of the Parties (COP) held in Azerbaijan last week.
Sahar Azarkamand, the postdoctoral researcher at the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change of ESCI-UPF, was in Dubai from the 8th to the 12th of December as a COP28 observer. In this article, she discusses the highlights and main outcomes of the Conference.
Cristina Campos, the researcher at the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change of ESCI-UPF, is in Dubai from the 30th of November to the 6th of December as a COP28 observer. In this article, she discusses the highlights of the first week of the Conference.
Jessica Sánchez García, alumni del Master of Science in Sustainability Management, que ofrece ESCI-UPF junto con la UPF-BSM, ha obtenido el segundo premio de Bienestar Planetario 2023 con su TFM sobre comunicación del cambio climático.
Sergi Arfelis Espinosa, researcher at the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change of ESCI-UPF, attended COP27. In this second article, he shares his thoughts about the results and decisions made in Sharm El Sheikh.
Sergi Arfelis, the researcher at the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change of ESCI-UPF, was in Egypt from the 10th to the 18th of November as a COP27 observer. In this article, he warns about solving global warming as a zero-sum game, with one eye on the common good and the other on one's good.
Jaume Albertí, investigador de la Càtedra UNESCO en Cicle de Vida i Canvi Climàtic ESCI-UPF, escriu sobre les conclusions de la COP 26 celebrada a Glasgow i apunta cap on ens hem d’encaminar de cara als propers anys.
Lela Mélon, professor at ESCI-UPF and Executive Director of Planetary Wellbeing Institutional Framework at UPF, attended COP26 and shares her thoughts about the results and decisions made in Glasgow.
L’investigador de la Càtedra UNESCO de Cicle de Vida i Canvi Climàtic ESCI-UPF i observador acreditat en la COP25, Jaume Albertí, reflexiona (amb espai per a l’optimisme) sobre els resultats de la Cimera del Clima que va acabar sense acords clau en qüestions com la reducció d’emissions o el mercat de carboni.
After two weeks of intense negotiations, and running almost 48 hours over schedule, COP25 finally delivered an agreement: “Chile-Madrid. Time for Action”. However, it falls far short of the action called for by the scientific community.
Les discussions sobre el clima barregen aspectes de realpolitik amb elements purament científics. Tant els uns com els altres poden ser difícils de digerir si no s’expliquen amb prou cura. La Càtedra UNESCO de Cicle de Vida i Canvi Climàtic ESCI-UPF t’apropa als conceptes científics de la COP25 perquè puguis seguir les notícies d’aquests dies amb tranquil·litat.
Science at COP25
Researcher at the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change ESCI-UPF and observer in COP25, Ilija Sazdovski, synthesizes the three special IPCC reports on the warming of 1.5°C, climate change and land, and the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate.