CRISPR Revolution: Moving Towards the Science of Future
On 7th June, ESCI-UPF held an online session about genome editing tool CRISPR to discuss how it works, the concerns about its use, and the future applications it could have.
On 7th June, ESCI-UPF held an online session about genome editing tool CRISPR to discuss how it works, the concerns about its use, and the future applications it could have.
L’IBEC ha creat un dispositiu que permet reproduir biofilms en laboratori, el que obre la porta a desenvolupar tractaments personalitzats que acabin amb les infeccions bacterianes.
Science Bits: Entrevista a Ignasi Ferrer
L’Ignasi Ferrer, doctorand del grup Biomedical Signal processing and Interpretation de l’IBEC, dedica la seva recerca a esbrinar si es poden utilitzar els smartphones com a eines de diagnosi i monitoratge de l’apnea obstructiva del son (AOS).