ECODES and the UNESCO Chair Join Forces Under the CATALYSE Horizon Project
1 min reading time
ECODES, with its Sanidad#PorElClimainitiative, and the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change at ESCI-UPF have established a collaboration agreement under the CATALYSE Horizon project, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by ISGlobal. This strategic partnership aims to advance climate action in healthcare by assessing the carbon footprint of the Catalan healthcare system and co-creating tailored mitigation strategies with Catalan healthcare professionals.
ECODES, through Sanidad #PorElClima, is a key advocate for integrating climate action into healthcare, promoting best practices that reduce environmental impact while improving health outcomes. The UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change (ESCI-UPF) brings extensive research expertise in life cycle assessment and strategies for climate change mitigation.
As part of the collaboration, the partners will support data collection to measure the healthcare system’s carbon footprint and engage with healthcare stakeholders across Catalonia in two online debate sessions scheduled for November and December 2024. These online technical sessions will provide a space for exchanging knowledge and establishing the baseline for updated guidance on decarbonization solutions for the Catalan healthcare sector.
All healthcare professionals are welcome to participate. Stay tuned for more details!
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