Coinciding with the Eutopia Week, the ESCI-UPF EUTOPIA & Ecotopia coordinator Ramon Xifré writes about the next steps GNMI students who are taking part in the Ecotopia project will follow on the months to come.
On May 26, we had a special information session for our ESCI-UPF Ecotopia students.
In the session, the pre-nominated ESCI-UPF Ecotopia students were given practical information on how to manage their next step in the programme: travelling to Ljubljana to join the Summer School. Students were also informed about the financial support they have for covering part of the Summer School expenses.
This came after the first building block of Ecotopia, the online Course on Sustainability applied to business, was almost completed. The course has been coordinated by Prof Lela Mélon (ESCI-UPF) and taught by an international team of instructors, with Prof. Luciana Oranges Cezarino (University Ca’Foscari) and Prof. Ladeja Godina Kosir (Circular Change). In the Ljubljana Summer School, the Ecotopia students will continue to work on sustainability, applying what they have learned in practical cases.
The Summer School in Ljubljana will also be the first time that the whole Ecotopia class –around 40 students from 6 European universities– will meet in person after working together in the online course since the programme started last February. Then, next year all Ecotopia students will engage in a full-year exchange with one of the partners.
Ecotopia is a new educational programme in which six European universities that are part of the EUTOPIA alliance work as a network to create a new educational experience for students. Ecotopia students pursue in parallel their local degrees with a continued international experience during three years involving international teams of students and professors.
By combining online courses, online projects, summer schools and an entire-year exchange, our ESCI-UPF Ecotopia students will earn, in addition to the GNMI degree, a special distinction (Programa d’estudis propis) from UPF and a certificate from the EUTOPIA alliance.
El passat 8 de novembre, els estudiants de tercer del GNMI vam tenir l’oportunitat de conèixer de prop el funcionament d’empreses capdavanteres en la indústria a través d’un road trip a Reus, de la mà de la Cambra de Comerç de Reus, amb un programa molt enriquidor on vam poder visitar Fermator i Grup Unió.
Albert Font, alumne de 4t del GNMI, està fent la seva estada d’intercanvi a la Lingnan University, a Hong Kong. A partir de la seva experiència, ens explica qui són les Foreign Domestic Helpers i ens acosta la realitat, per a molts desconeguda, d’una peça clau per a l’economia del país.
Càritas Diocesana de Barcelona premia els Treballs de Fi de Grau que destaquen pel seu contingut social. La setmana passada es van donar a conèixer els guanyadors del GNMI dels cursos 2021-2022, 2022-2023 i 2023-2024: Alexia Piqué, Martí Parera i Anna Medallo.
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