2024, un any de canvis
Com ja és tradició, a ESCIUPFNews ens acomiadem de l’any amb la nostra selecció dels articles més destacats que hem publicat al llarg del 2024.
As a proof to its commitment to higher education and societal transformation, ESCI-UPF is delighted to host the HUMANE Annual Conference 2023. This year, the event is taking place for the first time in partnership with the European University Association (EUA), and it is entitled "Leading Together: Academic Leaders and Professional Service Leaders Addressing Global Societal Challenges."
HUMANE, an acronym for the Heads of University Management and Administration Network in Europe, is an influential network of professional leaders from some of the top higher education institutions across Europe. The organization aims to foster professional development and collaboration, enhancing the competencies and skills of its members while also promoting the exchange of best practices and innovative approaches in higher education management.
The European University Association (EUA), on the other hand, represents and supports higher education institutions in 48 countries, providing them with a unique forum to collaborate and keep abreast of the latest trends in higher education and research policies. It plays an essential role in shaping tomorrow’s European higher education and research landscape, thanks to its involvement in EU decision-making and its influence on the Bologna Process. The EUA’s mission is firmly rooted in the belief that strong universities significantly contribute to a prosperous and sustainable Europe.
The collaboration between HUMANE and EUA is an intersection of their mutual commitment to improving leadership and collaboration in higher education, making them perfect partners for the upcoming Annual Conference.
The Annual Conference kicks off this 14th June with the apt theme of fostering a collaborative leadership approach in the academic sphere to address pressing societal issues. The conference will witness an array of distinguished figures in academia and public service as they explore pathways to innovative, effective, and sustainable solutions.
Among the stellar lineup are key speakers and thought leaders from across Europe. Notably, EUA President Elect Josep Maria Garrell; and HUMANE Director General Nadine Burquel, will grace the stage. Their involvement reflects the import of the conference’s agenda and the high level of engagement the academic community is investing in it. Also ESCI-UPF Director Albert Carreras, and UPF Rector Eulàlia de Nadal will participate in the Annual Conference.
It is a great honor for ESCI-UPF to be at the forefront of this educational endeavor. As an institution known for its dedication to international business education and sustainability, hosting such a conference aligns perfectly with its mission. Moreover, it provides an unprecedented opportunity to highlight ESCI-UPF’s leadership role within the academic community.
The comprehensive programme of the conference ensures all participants will engage in a fertile dialogue around the conference’s core themes. The keynote addresses, workshops, and panel discussions are meticulously curated to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and innovative thinking.
The conference underscores the joint efforts of HUMANE and EUA in their quest for excellence in higher education. Both organizations are well-known for their dedication to promoting efficient and effective strategic leadership in universities across Europe.
The HUMANE-EUA partnership, with ESCI-UPF as the platform, promises to create a novel paradigm in academic leadership. It provides a unique space for sharing ideas and best practices, aiming to drive tangible changes in how universities across Europe address the world’s most pressing challenges.
ESCI-UPF is both excited and privileged to host the conference, a testament to its commitment to higher education and societal transformation. As the conference unfolds, the institution is proud to facilitate this vibrant academic exchange, catalyzing collaboration towards a better, more sustainable future.
Com ja és tradició, a ESCIUPFNews ens acomiadem de l’any amb la nostra selecció dels articles més destacats que hem publicat al llarg del 2024.
Aquest curs acadèmic, el professor del GNMI i cap de Qualitat, Jordi Puig, compleix 25 anys a ESCI-UPF. Per celebrar aquesta fita hem parlat amb ell sobre els canvis que ha viscut la universitat al llarg d'aquest temps.
Mercè Roca, cap d’estudis del GNMI, ha participat a la primera edició del Pint of Science que es va celebrar a mitjans de maig a Mataró, on va presentar els resultats de l’estudi sobre la moneda complementària REC.
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