What to Expect from Poland’s Council of the EU Presidency
Fourth-year student Jan Fernández writes about Poland’s vision for its presidency of the Council of the European Union and the main challenges it will face.
This week, the students of the New Trends in Global Trade Governance course, offered in the GNMI within the EUKIT framework, attended the talk of Germán Medina, Gas Advocacy Manager at Nedgia.
The conference focused on the current situation of the gas sector in Spain and in Europe. The Nedgia manager also paid attention to the upcoming challenges and opportunities for the sector, like biomethane production.
At the beginning of the talk, Medina explained the energy landscape in Europe from the point of view of a distribution company. He highlighted how the energy supplies and consumption work in the EU and pointed out that despite the recent efforts of the European Commission with the Next Generation Funds, “we still highly rely on fossil fuels, particularly on oil products and natural gas, for transportation, households, and industry.”
When talking about the energy current situation, Germán Medina said that no country in Europe has the diversification of transport sources that Spain has, which puts it in a better position to overcome the crisis derived from the war in Ukraine.
Afterward, the Nedgia manager commented on the Spanish natural gas infrastructure –the different networks, the LNG terminals located all around the coastline, and the various gas storage facilities– as well as the main gas importing countries that provide Spain, which are Algeria, the US, and Nigeria.
Later on, Medina went into detail about what biogas is and how it is produced and underlined the benefits of adopting biomethane from a social, economic, and environmental perspective compared with other renewable energies.
Those who could not attend the masterclass can watch it on this link.
Fourth-year student Jan Fernández writes about Poland’s vision for its presidency of the Council of the European Union and the main challenges it will face.
Pelayo Corella, profesor de Análisis de los Hechos Económicos y Políticos Internacionales (AFEPI) en el GNMI, analiza los resultados de las últimas elecciones francesas en las que el Nuevo Frente Popular y Macron han conseguido lo que parecía imposible: frenar la Agrupación Nacional de Marine Le Pen.
Amb la vista posada a les eleccions europees d’aquest diumenge, Katarzyna Górska, traductora literària polonesa establerta a Barcelona, ens parla de les primeres eleccions semilliures celebrades a l’Europa de l’Est tal dia com avui de 1989 i que van marcar, per sempre, la configuració del continent.
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