Elena Poughia during her conference at New Trends in International Marketing students. / Photo: ESCI-UPF Archive
The students of International Business Program that follow New Trends in International Marketing course attended the conference held by Elena Poughia about data science. Poughia is the founder of Data Natives, the largest event platform for the data-driven generation in Europe, and managing director of Dataconomy, a portal for news, events and expert opinion about the world of data-driven technology.
Poughia presented Dataconomy and its purpose: understanding which are the trends in marketing nowadays and try to predict which will be in the future, as well as create engagement within the community of the company. She also highlighted that we should give up the idea that data science is boring and it has only to do with programming and start thinking data science as a creative, inspiring and cool field.
The mission of Dataconomy is putting together data science with business professionals, make B2B connections and democratize data to make it accessible to people. Furthermore, Poughia pointed out that one of Dataconomy’s aims is helping people to understand how data science works and how it can change society.
Poughia made the session very dynamic and participatory. She said that “we are all made of data”, not just because we are always sharing our interests online but because every cell in our body contains the whole information about us. On the other hand, she said that the data revolution we are living will impact our lives in the same way that the printing press changed the world in XVth century.
At the end of the talk, Poughia explained the Data Natives annual conference which focuses on Millennial and Z Generation and takes place in Berlin. She encouraged the students to visit Berlin as it is one of the best cities to start an entrepreneur project, especially in the tech sector. Indeed, as the students of this subject have to develop a project on Data Natives, the best project will have the opportunity to aim for an internship at this company in summer 2020.
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