The Director of the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change ESCI-UPF, Professor Pere Fullana i Palmer, has been consulted by The New York Times reporter Emily S. Rueb to provide insight and opinion on sustainability and waste management in commercial aviation.
With roughly four billion passengers a year, cabin-generated waste is becoming quite an issue. However, little knowledge about it exists. As Fullana i Palmer states, “You cannot improve a system if you don’t know it”, opening the door to an unpleasant but necessary dive into lots of garbage.
The main results of the LIFE Zero Cabin Waste project, collected by the Chair’s scientists Gonzalo Blanca-Alcubilla and Alba Bala, based at ESCI-UPF in Barcelona, showed that 33% of all cabin waste was food, 28% cardboard and paper and 12% plastic. The soundest conclusion, therefore, was that in-flight waste classification for recycling would be a huge improvement.
There are many solutions possible, but long-range international flights, where most of the waste is produced, are under very strict regulations about how to manage leftovers and debris. However, Fullana i Palmer is optimistic because “there is a big push for saving our planet, and the tsunami is so strong that all sectors will have to adapt.”
El proyecto ZERO CABIN WASTE (LIFE / ENV / ES209) está cofinanciado por la Unión Europea a través del programa LIFE. Los socios del proyecto son Iberia, Gate Gourmet, Ecoembes, Biogas Fuel Cell, Ferrovial y ESCI-UPF.
En toda Europa se van a llevar a cabo acciones de sensibilización organizadas por diversas instituciones con el objetivo de reducir la peligrosidad de los residuos para evitar efectos nocivos en los seres vivos y el medio ambiente.
Lisboa (Portugal) ha acogido el Sustainable Cabin Forum 2019, organizado por la aerolínea Hi Fly y Mirpuri Foundation, para compartir las mejores prácticas en el campo de los residuos de cabina y plásticos de un solo uso. El forum ha contado con la participación de Gonzalo Blanca-Alcubilla, investigador en ESCI-UPF.
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